Investigating The Craziest Myths And Methods For Gaining Height


Growing up, I was always the smallest in my class at school. In fact, I can remember as if it was yesterday being labelled on the wall as the smallest, it was a great confidence boost to me, haha! I think I stopped growing when I hit 21. I now proudly stand at 5 foot nine inches and I’m happy with that. Maybe another couple of inches would’ve been nice but I guess every bloke would say that. I’m still talking about height guys! Let’s face it, you’re born that way and there’s nothing you can do about it. Or is there? +

Common Health & Fitness Myths Debunked


Where do health myths come from? Well there’s this place, let’s call it Misinform-landia, where people share what they consider to be facts, through articles and other media, without first checking if their information is grounded in solid evidence and science. Then other people spread that information, tell all their friends about it so that pretty soon everybody’s rubbing a stick of butter on their left foot right before lifting weights. +