Your Child and Healthy Eating

Your Child and Healthy Eating

A healthy diet for your child is just the same as ours really, balanced and varied. The more active your child is, the higher their need is to consume foods with energy. Here are a list of some of the foods I’d recommend giving your child to get the right balance and variation. +

Christmas is Coming…

Percy Hedley Meeting

…the geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the Percy Hedley hat.


The photo above is from my meeting last week at Percy Hedley. I’d only met them for five minutes and they had me dressing up like Father Christmas. I said “I’m Father Fitness.” The things you do! Haha. +

Running for Good

Running for Good

I came across a fitness blog the other day and I got a mention!


Tina Reale runs Best Body Fitness and she has a Saturday Shares page. If you scroll down to the heading ‘Reflect & Grow’ you’ll see next to ‘Use running for good?’ is my charity Christmas challenge. How nice is that? It’s great to see so many people supporting this challenge. The obvious aim of it all is to raise money for Percy Hedley but it seems to be developing into more than that. +