Leucine – What Is It And What Foods Contain It?


You may remember amino acids from your time in school – they’re used by the body to create proteins and form an essential part of our diets. You can’t synthesise your essential amino acids, so you’ve got to find natural sources of them in your food. Leucine is also big in sports nutrition right now, touted as an amino acid to be taken post-workout to increase protein synthesis. +

How To Build Muscle Well Into Your 40’s


Whether you’re a father or not, you’ll have to face the facts of life – we as human beings grow older. Fortunately, that isn’t a real hindrance to your health and fitness as some would have you believe. In fact, training well into your middle and older years is great for your general wellbeing. With just a few small considerations, you’ll be as strong and healthy as you’ve ever been. +

Superfoods: Fact or Fiction?


Sometimes it feels like there’s a new item being branded as a ‘superfood’ just about every day, whether it’s in the marketing for a new product, or the latest fad in a magazine. It can be really difficult to understand what it means and if it’s important for your health. Here we’re going to take a quick look at the term, and whether you should trust it at all. +

Christmas Drinking Without the Weight Gain


For many people, Christmas is a time to eat, drink and be merry – but that could mean piling on the pounds if you’re not taking the right precautions. A few too many beers, and you could be battling with an unwanted beer belly in January. But help is at hand, and it comes in the form of an intuitive digital weight loss plan for men that adapts to your personal needs. +

The Most Important Meal of the Day


Breakfast has been reputed as the most important meal of the day and as every nutritionist will tell you, it is of paramount importance that you eat a healthy breakfast most of the time. There are some people who for some reason or the other tend to skip breakfast. However, this is certainly a bad idea and I discourage you to do it as it might have some far reaching consequences. +