Martial Herbs


I had an email back in October asking if I’d like to review some products from Martial Herbs. I said yes but with all the work I had on and the training for Christmas, it may be some time before it goes live. So apologies for the delay Sam but here it is. I hope it’s worth the wait! +

Four Ways To Boost Your Immune System


Without you even realising it, your immune system is protecting you against disease-causing microorganisms every day. However, one impolite sneeze is all it takes for it to come crashing down. We get sick and start to wonder what we can do to prevent this happening again in the future. Here are just four ways you can boost your immune system: +

Quit Smoking


It is not as though the negative health risks of smoking are a surprise or not known to people. There has been an awareness of the problems caused by smoking for many years and the vast majority of people are aware of the dangers of this activity. However, it never hurts to get a reminder because sometimes you can forget why there are so many reasons to stop smoking. A lot of people will focus on the financial implications of smoking but for most people, the health risks and dangers that smoking provides is the worst aspect of the activity. +

Dementia in the UK


Dementia mostly affects people over the age of 65; a result of the gradual decline of the brain in later life. Symptoms include memory loss, confusion, tiredness and decreased control of emotions. Hundreds of thousands of people in the UK are currently living with dementia. So how prevalent is the condition, can it be prevented and what is the current state of care for those suffering with dementia in the UK?


Keep Hydrated


No matter what your level of physical activity, it is extremely important to make sure that you stay hydrated. Drinking lots of pure, clean water will help you break down body fat and will also boost your immune system. When it comes to making sure that you get enough water on a daily basis, water coolers provide you with a convenient way to get the hydration you need. Read on to find more information about water coolers and other tips on hydration. +

Paleo Diet: Eat Primal


If we turn back the hands of time on human nutrition our diets looked very different. Way before the prawn cocktail in a wineglass of the 90’s – we’re talking millenniums ago – our diets were balanced and healthy. They were varied and perfectly suited to the bodily systems of the average human being.


Building Healthy Young People


The obesity crisis has long been associated with adults making poor nutrition choices and living an unhealthy lifestyle. Even though this is still the case, more and more children have now entered the equation, which raises serious concerns about their future. In “Overweight in Children”, published by the American Heart Association, obesity is said to be causing a broad range of health problems in teens and children such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and elevated blood cholesterol levels. Obese children are also more prone to low self-esteem, negative body image, and depression.  Fitness is the answer to a healthier lifestyle, but with the vast amount of information available, it is easy for teens as well as parents to get lost and overwhelmed. This article will try to shed some light on the matter. +