Don’t Forget The Clocks!


October is the time of year, when the clocks change and the amount of available light is reduced. This can have an impact on training schedules, with routes and routines being tweaked to take advantage of lighting. While these changes are taken in their stride by experienced fitness folk, one element that can be harder to amend, is your sleep cycle. +

The Various Amazing Features of Nordic Treadmill and Nordic Elliptical


Treadmills and elliptical machines are two of the most popular gym and fitness equipments in the world and are cardio workout machines which most fitness enthusiasts swear by. These machines enable you to burn a lot of calories and are ones which you can even buy for your home gym. If you are someone who is interested in buying both or one of the two of these equipments then you must only buy the best brand. +

Home Gym vs Gym Membership


It used to be that people serious about their health and fitness goals would seek out the professional trainers and join a gym. Now this is beginning to change however with more and more people investing in home gyms as well as the fact that there is a wealth of information out there on the internet in regards to fitness. Whether you decide to join a gym or invest in some equipment at home, both have their positives and negatives attached and ultimately it’s a personal decision but we’re here to point out some of the pros and cons and help you decide the best way to achieve your fitness goals! +

How To Build Muscle Well Into Your 40’s


Whether you’re a father or not, you’ll have to face the facts of life – we as human beings grow older. Fortunately, that isn’t a real hindrance to your health and fitness as some would have you believe. In fact, training well into your middle and older years is great for your general wellbeing. With just a few small considerations, you’ll be as strong and healthy as you’ve ever been. +

Superfoods: Fact or Fiction?


Sometimes it feels like there’s a new item being branded as a ‘superfood’ just about every day, whether it’s in the marketing for a new product, or the latest fad in a magazine. It can be really difficult to understand what it means and if it’s important for your health. Here we’re going to take a quick look at the term, and whether you should trust it at all. +

Ask Dr Wayne


I recently came across an interesting article on MSN, which talked about unhealthy TV characters and the real life example their lifestyle habits set for us. What I found most striking about the list was how prominently it was populated by men. Of the 11 characters presented, ten were male; and of these, the majority were aged around 35 to 40. +

Microsoft Band


I’ve been wearing the Microsoft Band for the past two weeks and I’ve been really impressed with it so far. It’s packed full of features and with it’s unique stylish design, this is the must buy fitness gadget of 2015. +