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If you are just getting into fitness or you already have a way of staying fit, then you certainly know how challenging it can be to follow through or stay committed. I believe the primary obstacle people deal with in these situations is the lack of motivation and that certainly doesn’t mean they are lazy. It simply means they haven’t found their way or the sport that speaks to them most. +

Is A Personal Trainer Worth The Money?


So you’ve tried those fasting diets, without much success. Joined the gym in January but never quite made it to February. Bought that cross-trainer off Ebay, but now just use it as a glorified clothes rack. After wasting endless amounts of money on dieting, fitness gadgets and gym memberships, many of us may consider turning our attention to something widely considered to be more effective – personal training! +

Get Qualified As A Personal Trainer Online


The world is changing at an almost alarming rate and I am not talking about global warming. I’m talking about how technology is now infiltrating everything that we do. You might think that the only time you are away from all this technology is when you are by yourself on a run or cycle. Not anymore. Smartphones are used for music and Nike+ style applications for recording factors such as distance and speed to share on social media. Over the last decade technology has also infiltrated education, including the education of personal trainers. +